Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Christian's Priorities

This Poem was taken from Titus 1:6-9. I know that the passage is directing Titus on how to choose Elders and Deacons for his local congregation, but I believe like my Pastor, Bro.  John Wiltse, that ALL Christians are called to be ministers of God's Word to the world. The word minister is another word for servant. As followers of Christ, we are His servants ... His ministers. So I have written this poem to remind us of this important part of our calling to follow Jesus. I hope you enjoy it and take its words to heart.
Sister Leigh

A Christian's Priorities

Unquestioned integrity, we must possess
As Believers in the image of Christ’s Righteousness
Faithful and true to our spouse
No polygamy or adultery does He want in HIS House.
Our Children must be raised in the Christian faith
And not given to lawlessness or fits of disgrace.
Our character must impeachable be
And our household affairs kept orderly
For we are agents of God and His love
And must manage His home as He would above
We must not be aggressive, easily angered or given to drink
These things cloud our minds, we can’t clearly think
We must not be violent, greedy or seek financial gain
Instead should be hospitable, and desire only godly things
Discreet and fair-minded, self-controlled, holy in our living
Defending the Faith, no matter what we’re given
So learn from the past your Christian priority

February 17, 2017

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