Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Fresh Wind

This morning, as I was spending time with the Lord, I was listening to this video: This is a Move Video and praying. One of the vocalists in this video started prophesying that a Fresh Wind blow through us.

 As I prayed, I felt lead to pray for a Fresh Wind of God, A burst of His Breath ... His Spirit to blow through our nation and the world.

I prayed that this Breath of God would blow into the lives of His children; to blow upon the flame of His Spirit that lives within each and every believer to revive and renew within us our 'first love,' our love for Him and all of His ways. To bring Revival within the church that would blow out across the country and throughout the world.

I also prayed that this Fresh Wind of His Spirit would blow out the Coronavirus. To blow it out of existence in our country and around the world; ridding each nation ... each person from this disease and all of its side effects.

We as the church need to stand united in prayer for our communities, our nation and the world for a drastic move of God to blow through. We need this Fresh Wind. We need this unity. We need this revival and we need relief from this attack of the enemy of our souls. For this is what the Covid-19 pandemic is. It is not just attacking our bodies, it is attacking the hope of believers ... our faith in God and filling us with fear.

But we are told in 2 Timothy 1:6-7 NKJV, 'Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.'

So Stand in Unity, Trust in God, and His Word and pray for a Fresh Wind ... a Fresh Breath of His Spirit to blow through and reignite His Spirit within each believer bringing revival in the church as a whole and throughout the world. Cleansing it from this virus and putting the enemy in his place. For he is a defeated foe. That defeat came at Calvary. 

Yet sometimes we forget that Salvation gave us back our authority that God gave mankind in His garden in the very beginning. So please listen to this video  Then take your authority in Christ Jesus and stand united in faith and in prayer believing. For we have won this war!

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